With WhatsApp Plus, you can chat with friends, share photos and files, make group calls and much more. The program allows users to change the appearance of chats the way they want. For example, you can change the color of the top bar, put a picture on the chat background, change text fonts and much more.
Using messenger, you can block the deletion of messages in a dialog with your conversation partner. When your conversation partner deletes a message from both users in a private or group chat, the message is deleted only for him/her, but not for you. After deleting a message, you will see a corresponding icon that indicates that the conversation partner tried to delete the message.
This app allows you to review a one-time message multiple times. In case you didn’t have time or want to revisit a disappearing message again, you can always use this feature. WhatsApp Plus prevents your account from being blocked in case a large number of people complain about your messaging.
The application has problems with translation into certain languages. The program is not official. This criterion affects privacy and security. You provide your personal and account data to third parties to use the utility.
Download WhatsApp Plus
- WhatsApp Plus 24.17.94 apk (78,95 MB) [Android 4.4+]
Old files
- WhatsApp Plus 24.17.93 apk (78,95 MB) [Android 4.4+]
- WhatsApp Plus 24.17.92 apk (75,18 MB) [Android 4.4+]
- WhatsApp Plus 24.17.91 apk (75,23 MB) [Android 4.4+]
- WhatsApp Plus 24.17.90 apk (75,26 MB) [Android 4.4+]